“Arbuchit”, my first solo album. Available on the most popular streaming services

Solidarity Concert – KLIZ
Oct 2023

Podcast Collaboration “Factor Ferroviario”
Sept 2023

New song “Rildu”, again in colaboration with Sandra Martínez
July 2023

New song “Musiqueando en BS”, with the help of Rubén and “Jose Barbas”.
December 2022

New progresive song “Braunschweig”, being cooked just now
July 2022

“Der Aufbruch” / “La Salida”: orquestal song with Spanish guitar
July 2021

” Rubenada ”, Flamenco & Rock song, created between Rubén and Ferdis
April 2021

“The Boys of Summer”: friends + running + first experience singing + Youtube
April 2021
«Take a few minutes and listen to some of my songs. I hope it doesn’t leave you indifferent».
Hello, I’m Fernando Martínez Estradé, born in Bilbao, resident in Madrid most of my life, from 2018 citizen of Braunschweig, Germany, and from 2023 back in Madrid and citizen of Colmenar Viejo, known in the music world as Ferdis.
Ferdisrock, or simply Ferdis, is what I call my personal musical project, which includes songwriting, recording and production, all cooked up in my home studio.
I make music because I’m passionate about it, but be careful, not at professional level, I do it as a hobby to have fun, without any other pretensions.
My sound is mainly based on rock guitars and drums, with moments of pop, alternative rock, progressive and even metal. I often call on colleagues to lend a hand on vocals, bass or lyrics.
If you play an instrument, write lyrics, sing, or would like to collaborate with me in any way, don’t hesitate to write me an email and we can most probably work something out!
Thank you for coming and listening,